All Episodes
Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 258 in total
Episode 226 - Commercial milk supply safe, USDA issues federal order requiring premovement testing for lactating dairy cattle moving across state lines
4-25-24 - Dr. Joe reviews USDA's Federal Order requiring premovement testing for lactating dairy cattle moving across state lines.USDA APHIS - Website with access to F...
Episode 225 - Combining cows and solar panels - Agrivoltaics with Brad Heins - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Dr. Bradley J Heins, PhD tenured professor, has some thoughts on the potential for cows, crops, and solar panels all sharing the same land.Questions, comments, scathin...
Episode 224 - Updates and new FAQ document from USDA APHIS for H5N1 in cattle - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
4-18-24 - Dr. Joe has updates on states impacted and jumps on his angry soapbox while going through a new FAQ document from USDA APHIS. USDA APHIS - Website with acces...
Episode 223 - Anticipatory stress and H5N1 in cattle with Emily Krekelberg - UMN Extension's The Moos Room - Resources for coping with farm and rural stress from the MN Department of AgricultureUSDA APHIS - Website with access to FAQ, Recommendations, and T...
Episode 222 - Update on a name for Influenza A in cattle, clinical picture, and suggested treatments for impacted farms - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
4-15-24 - Dr. Joe has updates on states impacted, a name for the virus and the disease, and what farmers can expect in terms of clinical picture and treatment of cattl...
Episode 221 - A history of Influenza A in cattle - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
4-5-24 - Dr. Joe walks through a brief history of Influenza A in cattle courtesy of an excellent review paper. Influenza A in Bovine Species: A Narrative Literature Re...
Episode 220 - New USDA resources, diagnostic testing, practical PPE, pre-movement testing - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
4-4-24 - Dr. Joe's thoughts on new USDA resources and their recommendations for PPE and premovement testing. USDA APHIS - Website with access to FAQ, Recommendations, ...
Episode 219 - CDC reports Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) infection in a person in the U.S.
4-1-24 - Updates from Dr. Joe from the newest USDA announcement and a CDC announcement.USDA APHIS Announcement - 4-1-24USDA APHIS - WebsiteCDC Announcement - 4-1-24MN ...
Episode 218 - Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza confirmed on Idaho and Michigan dairy farms - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
3-29-24 - Updates from Dr. Joe from the newest USDA announcement and an announcement from Idaho StateUSDA APHIS Announcement - 3-29-24USDA APHIS - WebsiteIdaho State D...
Episode 217 - Diagnostic sampling, transmission, biosecurity, and Koch's Postulates
Dr. Joe goes over common questions that are coming in to try and provide some guidance for what to do next.USDA APHIS - Press ReleaseUSDA APHIS - WebsiteMN Board of An...
Episode 216 - Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) identified in Texas and Kansas dairy cattle - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Dr. Joe discusses a press release from USDA APHIS about cattle testing positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.USDA APHIS - Press ReleaseUSDA APHIS - WebsiteMN ...
Episode 215 - Pairing cattle risk with operational environment risk for feedlot success - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Dr. Joe discusses matching cattle risk categories with an honest assessment of operational environment risk. Cattle have an ability to buffer stress but it is limited ...
Episode 214 - County Highlight - Pipestone County, MN with Melissa Runck - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
We dive into agriculture and the community in Pipestone County, MN with Local Extension Educator Melissa Runck. A great community with all species of livestock, and pl...
Episode 213 - Post treatment intervals in feedlot cattle - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Comparison of gamithromycin post-treatment intervals for beef cattle naturally affected with bovine respiratory diseaseQuestions, comments, scathing rebuttals? -> them...
Episode 212 - Parlor efficiency vs Milking efficiency - Bimodal milking - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Questions, comments, scathing rebuttals? -> or call 612-624-3610 and leave us a message!Twitter -> @UMNmoosroom and @UMNFarmSafetyFacebook -> @UMND...
Episode 211 - How to help a calf immediately after an assisted calving - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
The OG3 talk about how to (and how not to) help a calf immediately following an assisted calving. Good skills to know for both beef or dairy producers. Thank you for l...
Episode 210 - Reliable genetic test for fertility, health, and longevity? - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Emily, Dr. Joe, and Bradley J Heins, PhD, Tenured Professor, debate a listener question - Is there a reliable genetic test for fertility, health, and longevity for bee...
Episode 209 - Salmonella dublin in calves, an overview - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
A listener question came in about what to do once Samonella dublin has been identified on your farm. A ton to think about and a borderline information overload in this...
Episode 208 - Mailbag, plans for research, educational programming, and what we want to learn in 2024 - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Joe, Brad, and Emily are finally together to talk about what they have going for 2024 - research, educational programming, and learning all on the table. What will Bra...
Episode 207 - Calf mortality case study #5 - BVD case study closure - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Dr. Joe wraps up this case study in the final episode of a calf mortality issue on a cow-calf operation that has taken 2 years to get figured out. Hope you enjoy the c...
Episode 206 - How do the cows and Brad survive outside at -40°F? - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Brad and Emily discuss how Brad and the cows survive when the temps drop to extremely low temps with wind chills making it even worse. Thanks for listening.Questions, ...
Episode 205 - Goal setting on the farm with Emily Krekelberg on the Emily Show - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
In a version of "The Emily Show," Emily and Joe talk about goal setting on the farm and different approaches to getting to those goals. Thanks for listening!Questions,...
Episode 204 - Winter rain, how far can cattle walk for water, starting a grazing operation from scratch - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Dr. Joe and Brad discuss winter rain and the complications it causes. Then they get into a couple of questions about how far cattle can walk for water in the winter an...
Episode 203 - WCROC Case Study #2, respiratory deaths in weaning age calves - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Part 2 of our latest case study (part 1 is in episode 201). Dr. Joe and Bradley come back with more information and the next steps to get a handle on this respiratory ...
Episode 202 - MN State Cattlemen's Annual Convention 2023 and our new teaching tool Helga the Hereford - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Dr. Joe runs down his highlights from the MN State Cattlemen's Association Annual Convention 2023 and his debut of the full-size cow model Helga the Hereford. Thanks f...
Episode 201 - WCROC Case Study #1, respiratory deaths in weaning age calves - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Another case study series where the OG3 work through a problem. This is real-time problem solving where we find more questions than answers initially and have to go lo...
Episode 200 - Outtakes from behind the scenes and our favorite episodes - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
The OG3 are together to reflect on some of the best outtakes and best episodes from the past 200 episodes. Thank you for listening! Questions, comments, scathing rebut...
Episode 199 - Update on Dairy x Beef Animals at WCROC Dairy - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Brad and Emily discuss the beef on dairy project at WCROC.Questions, comments, scathing rebuttals? -> or call 612-624-3610 and leave us a message!T...
Episode 198 - Injectable and intranasal vaccines at the same time in feedlot cattle - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Comparative effectiveness of intranasal and parenteral vaccines for prevention of bovine respiratory disease in feedlot heifersAABP Podcast - Have You Herd? - Richeson...
Episode 197 - Aging in place on the farm, setting boundaries, and youth tractor safety - The Emily Show - UMN Extension's The Moos Room
Most importantly, Bradley's daughter joins out of the gate to get her vote for her favorite beef and dairy breeds officially tallied. After, we fulfilled our promise t...