Informed conversations to help beef and dairy producers be more successful.

Latest Episodes

Episode 226 - Commercial milk supply safe, USDA issues federal order requiring premovement testing for lactating dairy cattle moving across state lines

4-25-24 - Dr. Joe reviews USDA's Federal Order requiring premovement testing for lactating dairy cattle moving across state lines.USDA APHIS - Website with access to F...

Episode 225 - Combining cows and solar panels - Agrivoltaics with Brad Heins - UMN Extension's The Moos Room

Dr. Bradley J Heins, PhD tenured professor, has some thoughts on the potential for cows, crops, and solar panels all sharing the same land.Questions, comments, scathin...

Episode 224 - Updates and new FAQ document from USDA APHIS for H5N1 in cattle - UMN Extension's The Moos Room

4-18-24 - Dr. Joe has updates on states impacted and jumps on his angry soapbox while going through a new FAQ document from USDA APHIS. USDA APHIS - Website with acces...

Episode 223 - Anticipatory stress and H5N1 in cattle with Emily Krekelberg - UMN Extension's The Moos Room - Resources for coping with farm and rural stress from the MN Department of AgricultureUSDA APHIS - Website with access to FAQ, Recommendations, and T...

Episode 222 - Update on a name for Influenza A in cattle, clinical picture, and suggested treatments for impacted farms - UMN Extension's The Moos Room

4-15-24 - Dr. Joe has updates on states impacted, a name for the virus and the disease, and what farmers can expect in terms of clinical picture and treatment of cattl...

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